And that's a wrap for the horse of the year show season in WA

WESTERN Australia’s show season finished with a flourish with their Horse of the Year Show.
Just over 100 horses competed, including newcomers and restricted classes on the Friday. Pony classes were especially strong, although hunter classes on Sunday were a little smaller in numbers.
Notable among with winners was Karma Park Fire Fox, who was judged as Champion Large Hunter Galloway for the third year running, and the diminutive Aryline Platinum Edition, owned by Neryl Simmons and ridden by Ava Bowles, taking three sashes for champion Small Hunter Pony, Champion Childs Small Hunter Pony and Champion First Ridden.
The competitors’ thoughts now turn to the future, with consideration of making the long trip to Sydney for the Equestrian Australia Nationals in December, or the Show Horse Council’s Grand National Event.
The HOTY group already has preparations for 2023 underway as it looks ahead to a bumper year for show horses.
This includes the planning for the 2023 EWA Show Horse High Performance Squads (State Squad and Youth Squad).
In 2023, riders who have ambitions to be selected for the Show Horse High Performance Squads will not only have to display strong and consistent on-horse performances at relevant events in the last 12 months, but they will also have to meet criteria surrounding participation in clinics and off-horse criteria.
There will be an emphasis on a rider’s’ motivation for being part of the squads, their short and long-term goals in the sport, their training schedule and overall participation within the show horse community.
All eligible WA riders will be reviewed by the state selection panel with successful applicants notified shortly after. Anyone who has the ambition and determination to be a part of the Show Horse HP State Squad or Youth Squad is encouraged to apply.

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