Bits: a lonely pony, show judges announced and racing bid

THE moment that most touched horse lovers during Her Majesty’s funeral was when Emma, a Fell pony mare and the Queen’s favourite mount, made her appearance at Her Majesty’s state funeral.
The black mare had been one of the ponies the Queen chose to ride after 2002 when her favourite home-bred riding horse Sanction passed away. She decided then to start riding her native ponies rather than larger horses – “a little nearer to the ground, so to speak”.
Emma stood calmly as the funeral procession passed towards Her Majesty’s final resting place with one of the Queen’s silk scarves draped over her saddle. Emma’s handler Terry Pendry LVO, BEM, stud groom and manager to The Queen at Windsor Castle, bowed his head as her coffin passed.
Terry has held this position for 25 years after retiring from the riding staff of the Blues and Royals Regiment, Household Cavalry. He started his career as a professional jockey riding mainly on the flat and has said in the last couple of years he would not retire before her Majesty’s passing.
In 2016, a Breyer model was made of Emma – stud name Carlton Lima Emma – to raise funds for the Fell Pony Society, of which Her Majesty was a patron.
IT’S back to the TV tonight, to watch our Australian Driving combinations selected to represent Australia in the Four-in-Hand Driving at the FEI World Championships at Pratoni, Italy. World champion Boyd Exell will be defending his title and Tor Van den Berge, with the beautiful Carbery horses, are our team. It’s truly great viewing and on until September 25. Seven plus is the place to tune to.
THE EA Australasian Show Horse and Rider Championships organising committee has announced the judges for the 2022.
Open classes: Frank Thompson (VIC), Samantha Watson (NSW), Claire Reynolds (TAS) and Lorelei Payne (QLD).
Children's classes: David Calbert (NSW), Jill Best (SA), Rachael Addison (VIC) and Mieke Bigg (QLD).
The judges have been randomly selected by the Equestrian Australia national office and meet the EA National Show Horse Rules eligibility criteria.
The championships will be held from December 1 to 3 at Sydney International Equestrian Centre.
A NEW Training and Accreditation Course for endurance vets is being developed by the National Vet Panel of the Australian Endurance Riders Association.
AERA hopes to implement the plan by January 1 next year. Content writers have been engaged to prepare the course content.
Expressions of interest are invited for the position of course coordinator, who will be assisted by an AERA National Vet Panel advisory group. Remuneration is by way of an honorarium of $2500 to cover the period from the coordinator's commencement in the role until March 31, 2023.
A copy of the course outline and position description can be obtained by contacting the AERA National Vet Panel liaison officer Mark Dunn -
SPEEDHORSE Australia has applied to be granted a license to race horses such as Appaloosas, quarter horses and American paint horses in Queensland.
A sprint race track of 600 metres has been applied for to license Short Course Sprint Horse Racing under the Racing Act 2002.
It would be self-contained and separate from Australian Thoroughbred racing.
While it’s popular in the US and is being touted as new to Australia, racing car magnate Bob Jane registered Quarter Horse Racing Australia in 1986 and ran a couple of trials with the aim to have sprint horse racing at Calder Raceway.
The Victorian Racing Club stepped in and announced that any licensed person involved in any way would end up with a life ban. That was the end of that venture.
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