Classes for all comers at NSW all breeds show

THE NSW All Breeds, Foal and Youngstock Show, incorporating an event for hacks, hunters and newcomers, was held at the Hawkesbury Showgrounds on a perfect winter day.
The show caters for all breeds of horses, with an extensive led program provided for foals and youngstock in five rings.
There were an additional two rings for ridden hacks and hunters with a ridden breed program and rider classes included.
The show is a dual medal show for the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of Australia and an A-graded Arabian show and can be used for performance for Sydney Royal.
A highlight of the show, and something not as yet seen south of the border, were the eight miniature donkeys judged by Kerry Stiphout.
The champion was Joy’s Cindy (N. Cassettari) and reserve, Joy’s Patunia (J. Young)
In ring one under judge Christine Gray, the supreme Welsh Foal was Stepdon Park Queen Elizabeth (G. Ball and S. Paris).
The supreme part Welsh foal was Westgrove Flower Crown (M. Murray).
The supreme Welsh Youngstock and supreme Welsh B was Woranora Chanelle (J. Robins), with the stud also named as runner-up supreme Welsh Youngstock and supreme Welsh A and medal winner with Woranora Natalie (Helen Dohan).
The supreme part Welsh youngstock and medal winner was Paulgren Park Vanquish (Paulgren Park), with the runner-up Brandy Hollow Love Song (J Rowe).
In ring two, judge Nicolette Jones-Ryan chose Westgrove Flower Crown (M. Murray) as the supreme RPSB foal.
The supreme pony foal was Paulgren Park Miss Vallerina (Paulgren Park), the supreme RPSB youngstock Royalwood Gift of Song (M. Skinner) and supreme Australian Pony Tobermory Lodge Majestic Moon (J. Pracey).
The supreme Shetland exhibit was Cranellie Drew (B. Holmes).

In the youngstock, the supreme was Lyn Bailey's Paulgren Park Vanquish.
The supreme Australian Saddle Pony went to Paramount Lodge Peter Pan (M. Harper) and the supreme Miniature Pony was My Grand Warrior (B. Allen).
Cate Edwards officiated in ring three and chose Paramount Lodge Pandora (M Harper) as the supreme coloured foal and champion roan foal.
The supreme coloured youngstock and supreme Pinto youngstock was Kyabra Park Pulp Fiction (B. Boulding).
In ring four, Joanne Swarbrick’s supreme API Exhibit was Kyabra Park Pulp Fiction (B. Boulding). The supreme Arabian Derivative Foal was Ardees Hill Juno (K. Hodge), the supreme Arabian Derivative Youngstock Que Sera (E. Mears) and the supreme Miniature Horse Excellence Academy BM Killer Queen (C. Sciberras).
Kerry Stiphout’s other winners in ring five were supreme ASH/WB/TB foal Kydanpark Otis (A. Mannix), supreme western foal Shot of Chism (S. Flanaghan), supreme ASH youngstock Ripley’s Hidden Reflection (Meg Baldock) and supreme Thoroughbred/ANSA/ warmblood youngstock KT Cabaret (Karen Townsend).

The supreme western exhibit was SC Born To Shimmer (S. Flanaghan).
The supreme open breeds horse went to the champion Friesian warmblood DBL Voncenzo (A. Mannix).
In the open hack ring, judge John Walker chose Warrawee Steemheat (P. Richards) as the supreme ridden open pony/galloway/hack.
The champion newcomer pony/galloway/hack was Chimere (A. Hopkins), the champion ridden pony breed was Woranora Nobleman (J. Luscombe) and the champion junior rider E. Coutzee.
Susan Allfrey chose the champion ridden breed horse Pearlz (S. Haskins) as the supreme ridden show hunter in ring seven.
The champion newcomer pony/galloway/hack) was Allambie Park Euphoria (M. Riely), the champion ridden coloured horse was Ardees Hill Liberty Unites (N. Gary) and S. Haskins completed a great show being named as champion senior rider.

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