Determination gets winter woolies show over the line

THE Ovens Valley Classical Riders Club’s best laid plans for their Winter Woollies Show nearly didn’t happen. Not once but twice.
Plans were thrown into disarray when a new venue needed to be sourced 10 days before the event due to incessant rain making the car park at Rimini Park near Ovens unusable.
“Luckily, Neddy Park Equestrian Centre came to the rescue with their venue, although the show became an outdoor event,” show organiser Jenee Edwards said.
“Four days before the show we were again panicked and desperately finding a replacement judge as Covid quarantined our original judge.
“Thank goodness Karen Cook was able to step into the role.”
Jenee said everything turned out well on the day.

“The sun was shining, the grounds were sparkling, the rosettes were fluttering, the food was delicious and Karen, together with Ashley Rainbird who travelled down from The Rock, judged,” she said.
“While there had been some rain the footing was quite good and there was a great turn up, with riders coming from afar as Echuca to compete.
“The last class of the day was the three-phase equitation, which had riders navigate the slalom, cup switch and rein back (higher levels only) and judge at the barrel. It’s lots of fun and this is a HRCAV discipline that is increasing in popularity.”
Three Phase Equitation competitions (3PE) aim to test the partnership of horse and rider. It is an opportunity to display the skill and ability of the working horse within the confines of a competition arena, while demonstrating harmony, relaxation and confidence.
Phase one is dressage, phase two is obstacles (style) and phase three is cbstacles (speed and accuracy). Riders compete at their dressage graded level.
Ovens Valley Classical Riders Club (HRCAV) will be running its 3PE competition as part of the 40-year Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria celebration at Oxley Reserve on August 14.
The club has mainly focused on working equitation, or the HRCAV version of 3PE, with their founding member Nadine O’Sullivan competing nationally and internationally in this sport.
Many of the members also compete in this discipline and are involved in the HRCAV 3PE sub-committee.
The highpoint winner for the day was Charlotte Ware-Dickins on Nilton Spielberg.
The engagement award went to Renayee Holt on Cabanchee.
The champion led exhibit was Lisa Glascott (Desert Gold) and reserve went to Jacqui Melbourne (Kirreway Olympia).
The champion ridden exhibit was Pamela Kennedy (Mikam Charlie) and the reserve went to Charlotte Ware-Dickins (Nilton Spielberg).
Champion rider was Tania Harding and Reserve to Lisa Glascott.
Champion mount most suitable for HRCAV went to Donna Davidson and reserve to Tania Harding
ABOVE: (clockwise from left) Tania Harding and Jirrima Navigator, Renayee Holt's Cabanchee, Donna Davidson and Durham Lodge Gannon being judged by Karen Cook and Lisa Glascott's Desert Gold. Pictures: GRAIN AND MANE PHOTOGRAPHY