It's finally on with the show at Castle Hill after two-year break

CASTLE Hill Show in NSW has been held for the first time since Covid hit more than two years ago, attracting exceptional, national-level judges.
Mark Tarrant, Lindy Walker, Nicolette Jones Ryan and JoAnne Parry officiated on the day, with a wide range of led and saddle classes run smoothly run across eight rings.
The area and show itself have a great history. Governor King began a government farm at the site in July 1801, referring to it later as Castle Hill. The majority of the convicts who worked the prison farm were Irish, many having been transported for agitation against British rule. They were deemed “politicals” and exiled for life, never to return. The annual Castle Hill Show began in the 1880s from ploughing and sporting days and has been a district showcase ever since, although like so many show societies it faces a fight against modern town development.

This year’s show featured a good range of open and breed classes.
Some of the results included:
Ring 1:
Supreme Led Arabian Derivative: M Abe Shiloh, Lucy Batten
Champion Ridden Derivative NE 14hh: Canyon Quasar, Kristen Strath
Champion Over 15hh: Sheldene Zareem, Sarah Penise
Reserve: M Abe Shiloh, Lucy Batten
Ring 2: Coloured (n/a)
Ring 3: Welsh
Champion Led Australian Pony: Kooyong Xavier, Katie Kelly
Champion Led APSB: Bamborough Bright Lights, Katie Kelly
Reserve: Bamborough Corumba, Katie Kelly
Champion Led Section A Mare: Woranora Sierra, Helen Dohan
Reserve: Woranora Truffle, Helen Dohan
Champion Led Section A Gelding: Bamborough Carumba, Katie Kelly
Champion Led Section B Mare: Woranora Chanel, Helen Dohan
Champion Gelding Section B: Bamborough Bright Lights, Katie Kelly
Reserve: Canyon Quasar, Kirsten Strath
Champion Led Section C: Salient Brennan Llew, Samantha Backhouse
Champion Part Welsh Mare: Chances Of Rathowen, Kirsten Strath
Reserve: Ascot Rose Marie, A Ream
Champion Led Part Welsh Gelding: KT Caberet, Karen Townsend
Reserve: Beauparc Antz Pants, Elena Tselpi
Supreme Led Part Welsh: KT Caberet Karen Townsend
Champion Ridden Part Welsh: Beauparc Antz Pantz, Elena Tselepi
Ring 4: Hacks, ANSA and TB
Champion Adult Rider: Kathy Mckinnon (Supreme Rider)
Reserve: Alex Vollena
Champion Small Hack: Private Valentine Mary Holman (Supreme Hack)
Reserve: Bayview Toyboy Elena Tselep
Champion Large Hack: Koko Flash, Kathy Mckinnon
Reserve: Allaringa Astro, Rubie Fitzpatrick
Champion Junior ANSA: KT Caberet Karen Townsend
Champion Senior ANSA. M Abe Shiloh, Lucy Batten (Supreme Led ANSA)
Champion Ridden ANSA: Bayview Toyboy. Elena Tselep
Ring 5: Galloway, ASPA
Champion Led ASPA: Canyon Quasar, Kirsten Strath
Reserve: Bamborough Corumba, Katie Kelly
Champion Ridden ASPA: Canyon Quasar, Kirsten Strath
Reserve: Bamborough Corumba, Katie Kelly
Ring 6: Pony Hacks, RPSB
Champion Large Pony Hack: Beauparc Antz Pantz, Elena Tselep
Champion Senior Led RPSB: Digeree Makin Music, Tim Hadlow. (Supreme)
Reserve: Canyon Quasar Kirsten Strath
Ring 7: Hunters
Champion Galloway: WP Impressive Siren, Georgie Batten
Reserve: Sheldene Zareem, Sarah Penise
Ring 8: ASH and breeds
Champion Led Stallion/Colt: Braeview Titanium
Champion Led Mare/ Filly: Wingum Special Girl
Champion Led Gelding: Alcharinga Astro, Rubie Fitzpatrick
Supreme Led: Braeview Tiranium
Champion Led Andalusion: Gotcha Park Mayera, Jacqui Fry
Reserve: Broadway Park Le-Renzo, Dianna Harris
Champion Led Standardbred: Royal Remington, Sarah Steele
Reserve: The Ethletic, Jacqui Fry
Champion Ridden: The Ethletic, Jacqui Fry
(Click on any image to expand)
1. Karen Townsend and KT Caberet.
2. Kathy McKinnon and champion large hack Koko Flash.
3. Mark Tarrant and Bruce Flood .
4. Katie Kelly on champion ridden pony Emyella Heavens Soprano, owned by Elena Tselepi.
5. Supreme rider Kathy McKinnon with judges Joanne Parry and Lindy Walker.
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