Showies treated to a delightful day in the Berry sunshine

BERRY in NSW is described on the brochures as “a friendly, historic town known as the first proper country town south of Sydney”.
Nestled beneath the rolling hills, the township has a character, warmth and charm retained from its early days and the town offers visitors many activities and attractions.
The Regional’s photographer at the Berry Spring Horse Show, Lorelle Mercer, agrees, saying how much she enjoyed it and that it was a lovely, good old-fashioned country show.
Organiser Gillian Orford was equally happy.
“The weather was beautiful, the showground has had new drainage put in and you can hardly tell we were even there,” she said.
(Click any image to expand)
ABOVE: Nicole Allsop, Cole Moxey, Angus Hill and Bree Starkey. Pictures: LORELLE MERCER
Results: Ring 1. Champion Junior Rider - Sage Sharpe, Reserve - Taylah Steen. Champion Small Pony Hack - Kooyong Claudius (Harry Murphy), Reserve - Bordershow Regal Jupiter (Taylah Steen). Champion Large Pony Hack - Westlake Remarkable (Gemma Wells), Reserve - Tremayne Royal Occasion (Emily Mears). Champion Show Hunter Pony - Kyldar Script (Sal Williams), Reserve - Candlewood Rockstar (Christie Hall)
Ring 2. Champion Senior Boy Rider - Angus Hill, Reserve - Tommy McMahon. Champion Senior Girl Rider - Skyla Parker, Reserve Charlotte Primmer. Champion Small Galloway - Royalwood After Dark (Emily Mears), Reserve - Glengarry Park Sweet Elegance (Elizabeth Farmer). Champion Large Galloway - Northern Ridge Romantic Night (Nicole Allsop), Reserve - Saravale Touch of Flame (Andrew Thorek). Champion Show Hunter Galloway - KL Embers (Kelly Ralph), Reserve - Walleroo Kincaid (Melise Tuma-Webb).
Ring 3. Champion Lady Rider - Brianna Starkey, Reserve - Mia Wright. Champion Gent Rider - Harry Rainnie, Reserve - David Armstrong. Champion Small Hack - Elton Park Tully (Tommy McMahon), Reserve - Fernbrook Playwright (Kym Fizzell. Champion Large Hack - Valedictorian (Taryn Poidevin), Reserve - Manowood (David Armstrong). Champion Show Hunter Hack - Mains Picture Perfect (Katrina Batten), Reserve - DQ Saint (Taryn Poidevin).
Ring 4. Champion Led ASH Mare - Hunter View Oaks Venus (Nicole Moxey), Reserve - Rodelle Black Betty (Reg Ryan). Champion Led ASH Gelding - Brandwood Oregon (Nicole Moxey), Reserve - Atomic Seduction (Brianna Starkey). Supreme Champ Led Stockhorse - Brandwood Oregon (Nicole Moxey). Champion ASH Hack - Brandwood Oregon (Nicole Moxey), Reserve - Hunterview Oaks Venus (Nicole Moxey). Champion Working ASH - Brandwood Oregon, Reserve - Hunterview Oaks Venus. Supreme Ridden ASH - Brandwood Oregon (Nicole Moxey). Champion Led ANSA - Mains Picture Perfect (Katrina Batten), Reserve - Walleroo Kincaid (Melise Tuma-Webb). Champion Ridden ANSA - Mains Picture Perfect, Reserve - Walleroo Kincaid.
Ring 5. Champion Miniature Horse - Chevelier Park At Xquisit (Tiarn Schell). Champion Miniature Pony - Baeluka Park Get Low (Allen Brooke). Champion Shetland - Cranellie Jaxon (Allan Brooke). Champion Welsh A - Afon Finbar (Michelle Ritchie), Reserve - Rivington Rhiannon (Joanna Broad). Champion Welsh B - Valley View Phantom (Amy Billett), Reserve - Bamborough Keep A Promise (Nicola Tselepi). Champion Ridden Welsh - Valley View Phantom (Amy Billett), Reserve - Afon Finbar (Michelle Ritchie). Champion Led Part Welsh - Braeside Chandelier (Sal Williams), Reserve - Kyldar Script (Sal Williams). Champion Led Riding Pony - Bordershow Jupiter (Taylah Steen), Reserve - Willowcroftt Blush (Christie Hall). Champion Led Aust Pony - Amaranda Jiselle (Lyndsay Dolan), Reserve - Majeite Fleetwood Mac (Michelle Ritchie). Champion Led Saddle Pony - Valley View Phantom (Amy Billett), Reserve - Kyldar Script (Sal Williams). Champion Ridden Breeds Pony - Braeside Chandelier (Sal Williams), Reserve - Kyldar Script (Sal Williams). Champion Led Large Breed Horse - GG Fleutacious (Harry Rainnie), Reserve - Dyrring Park Sullivan (Portia Eaton). Champion Ridden Large Breeds Horse - Dyrring Park Sullivan (Portia Eaton), Reserve - Merricks Rapunzel (Emerald Bundy). Champion Pure Bred Arabian - Iconic Al Sahrae (Skyla Parker), Reserve - Javari FF (Skyla Parker). Champion Led Arabian Derivative - Kyldar Script (Sal Williams), Reserve - Burren-Dah Jack of Clubs (Andrew Thorek). Champion ridden Arabian - Malaquii J-S (Michelle Jarrett), Reserve - Iconic Al Sahrae (Skyla Parker).
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