Tetrathlon is four times the fun for pony club members

PONY Club Victoria’s Tetrathlon State Championships attracted competitors for all areas of the state and were blessed with ideal weather, well-presented facilities and great support from the host club, the Mount Duneed Pony club.
Tetrathlon is a pathway leading into the International, Olympic sport of Modern Pentathlon, designed by the founder of the Modern Olympics, Pierre de Coubitan, and developed by The Pony Club in Great Britain.
In 2015, Pony Club Victoria in partnership with Modern Pentathlon Victoria introduced the sport to the state and it is now a popular fixture in the Pony Club Australia National Championships.
The Victorian state titles benefitted from the enthusiasm of parents and supporters ready to assist in all aspects of running of the event and their help was most appreciated.
The winners in each section were Amos Vegg, Barwon Valley, in the 17 to 26 age group, Zoe Addinsall from Dunkeld Club in the junior female 13 to 16 years, junior male 13-16 years section went to Kian Blanchard from Charlton, the novice junior female 13-16 years was Heather Feek from Mornington, novice junior male 13-16 years was Nathan Clark from Macarthur, the sub-junior female winner 10-12 years was Amalie Blanchard from Charlton and the novice sub-junior female 10-12 years went to Sian Hayes of Mount Duneed.

The Equathon section for youngsters went to Farrah Cameron from Corio Moorabool in the female under 10 years section and the boys winner was Craig McKerron from Colac Pony Club.
Tetrathlon is a four-phase competition consisting of a 100/200m swim, a 1 to 3km run, a combination show jumping, cross country and obstacles horse ride and a 10 shot laser pistol shoot.
Each phase scores points with the winner being the competitor with the highest score at the end of the four phases.
The Jan Dear award for services by a senior tetrathlete to the sport during 2022 was awarded to Cohen Wade from the Stratford pony club.
“Over the last seven years we have seen a number of Pony Club riders move on to take up the sport of Modern Pentathlon successfully and participate on the international stage,” Kate Thompson, secretary and sports director Modern Pentathlon Victoria and chairperson PCV state and PCA national Tetrathlon committees, said.
“This year 16 of the state championship competitors represented the state at the New Zealand Modern Pentathlon championships in November with winners including Zoe Addinsall , Amos Vagg, Alana Docherty, Jack McKerron , Ava Harrington, Skye Orchard and Cohen Wade.
“Zoe Addinsall, Matilda Mason, Jack Mckerron and Tully Watt represented Australia at the World Laser Run Championships in Portugul in September with Tully a member of the winning junior team and Zoe placing third in the under 17 mixed relays.
“Tully has been short listed as a potential Modern Pentathlon Olympian for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games demonstrating that from small beginnings as a Pony Club rider giant oaks can grow.”
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