Three-phase equitation a cause for celebration at Oxley

THE Ovens Valley Classical Riders club was privileged to be awarded the hosting rights of the HRCAV 40th anniversary Three-Phase Equitation event at Oxley in North-East Victoria.
It was a celebration event of not only the Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria, but also its newest discipline.
The club made every possible plan to make it a special day.
With 17 teams, numbers were big with many riders making a weekend of it and camping overnight.
The camping facilities were well received, especially as some riders travelled three or four hours to attend with places such as Pakenham, Koo Wee Rup, Narrandera and Langwarrin represented.
Event organiser Jenee Edwards said phones kept ringing on Saturday morning with riders checking if the event was still going ahead due to the weather.
“It seemed like it was raining everywhere but Oxley,” she said.

“We were lucky to have the sun shine as we set up the two courses on the large sand arena.” The Ovens Valley Classical Riders was one of the first to catch the working equitation bug back in 2015, when they ran a series of clinics with a visiting instructor and judge.
“We then added it to our rally calendar and also started running competitions,” Jenee said.
“We added a class to our Winter Woollies Show called “mount most suitable for working equitation”. This was soon changed to “mount most suitable for 3PE” as HRCAV started to develop their own version of the sport.
“Our club has continued to have a strong interest in the development of the sport, with members sitting on the 3PE sub-committee for HRCAV, and one being an accredited 3PE judge.”
Their experience led to some really interesting and challenging courses being presented for riders at the anniversary event.
One was for levels three to advanced, the other for levels four and five. Both courses were completely different and offered a little challenge for the higher levels, with riders having to carry a pole around the stock pen.
The challenge for the level four and five riders didn’t appear to be in the obstacle ring, but in the dressage arena, where there was an unplanned water obstacle between C and M.
“I joked the night before on how many riders would head out with their buckets to remove the water,” Jenee said. “On the day, I’m sure some wished they did, as a couple horses jumped out of the arena and ended up eliminated.”
“The obstacle courses rode really well though.
“The sport is still very new, and to many, this was their first or second competition. Everyone supported each other and it was wonderful to see confidence and friendships grow.”
After some great work, the winning team was the Carnations: Tania Harding riding Jirrima Fox Z, Jenny Graham riding Just Poppett and Amanda riding Moses Gidget.
The individual winners were:
Advanced: Jennie Graetz riding Allengreen Front Page, of Albury Wodonga Adult Riding Club.
Level 1: Hayley Graham riding Just Annabelle’s Way, of Benalla and District Adult Riding Club.
Level 2: Tania Harding riding Jirrima Fox Z, of Gerogery Equestrian Club.
Level 3: Heather Campbell riding Destiny Soul, of Echuca District Adult Riding Club.
Level 4: Alana Kimberlin riding Isle of Hazelglen, of Ovens Valley Classical Riders.
Level 5: Vicki Halsall riding Mirabella Park Morgana, of North Eastern Riding Club.
The Best Performed off-the-track Thoroughbred was Kirsty Beecroft’s Power Surge, of Wangaratta Adult Horse Riding Club.
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