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Wife nags tech-head husband and the horse world wins

Writer: Fran ClelandFran Cleland

ABOVE: Kim Ides wanted all her horse records in one spot and she got it.

IT’S marvellous what can happen when a horse-loving wife of a tech-head husband asks him to help her with keeping her equestrian records straight.

In the case of Kim and Andy Ide, what he came up with has turned into a very useful tool for Australian horse owners and earned him a place as finalist in this year’s Australian Information Industry Association iAwards for “best solution involving a new technology platform”.

The software and app Andy developed is called “HorseRecords” and it is already being used across multiple disciplines in the horse industry.

Put simply, it is an all-in-one management tool for horse industry specialists and owners to record and manage critical horse information in the one place.

ABOVE: Andy Ide and Sunny.

The information that can be stored includes everything from veterinary records, details of training and performance, feeding and stable and staff management, to breeding and pedigrees.

The app was built in consultation with industry specialists, with horse owners, managers, breeders, vets, trainers, farriers, rehabilitation specialists and others interviewed to capture and document relevant and key information needed to make critical decisions.

According to Andy, studs have been using the app to keep records across a wide range of breeds and racing bodies in SA, NT and other states have enlisted it as a tool to promote equine welfare in off-the-track racehorses.

Think about how handy this could be even for everyday horse owners?

How many of us go horse shopping and wish that the seller could give us access to our potential purchase’s records. Handing us a program with vet treatment, performances even who did the farrier work, would make life a lot easier and make us secure that we know everything there is to know.

By joining you can try it for free ( bonus) and by listing a horse (real or imaginary) you can see how much of your horse’s details you can put in, such as events, performance, vet visits and farriery. If your brood mare is in foal you can calculate the date she should foal.

If the horse is sold, the information can be easily transferred to the new owner.

Perhaps Andy’s missus deserves an award for getting him to design it!

To find out more visit the Horserecords website.

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